Manila, P. I., December 13, 1902.

The Adjutant-General, Division of the Philippines,
Manila, P. I.

Sir: In obedience to instructions of the division commander, I have the honor to report the result of an interview with the bishop of Jaro, pursuant to a telegram from the adjutant-general, Division of the Philippines, dated the 4th or 5th instant, and relating to the death of Padre Pena.

The bishop informed me that he was sent down early in September, I think, 1900, to talk over the affairs of Padre Pena, who was accused of mismanaging church funds.

When he (the bishop) arrived, he sent for Padre Pena. After that Padre Pena came two or three times, the last time during the latter part, 20th to 25th, of the same month; then he disappeared. The bishop declares that he has no knowledge of a positive or personal kind as to when, where, or how.

The bishop was anxious to go into this matter of responsibility for the church funds, but as this was extraneous to the instructions received, I did not encourage it.

Very respectfully,

Frank L. Dodds,
Major and Judge-Advocate, U. S. Army.