War Department,
Office of the Judge-Advocate-General,
Washington, October 7, 1902.
My Dear General Davis: Referring to my recent letter and to the instructions from the Adjutant-General in regard to an inquiry into the case of Father Augustine de la Pena, I find that the following-named officers, formerly of the Twenty-sixth Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, now belong to the regular establishment and are on duty in the Philippine Islands, viz: Chaplain George D. Rice, Twenty-seventh Infantry; Lieut. H. E. Comstock, Twenty-seventh Infantry; Lieut. Hilden Olin, Thirtieth Infantry, and Lieut. D. J. Moynihan, Philippine Scouts.
It is suggested that they be brought within the scope of the investigation already ordered, as they, or some of them, may be able to throw some light upon the subject-matter of the inquiry, and I remain,
Faithfully, yours,
Geo. B. Davis, Judge-Advocate.