Maj. Gen. George W. Davis,
Commanding Military District of the Philippines, Manila, P. I.

Manila, P. I., December 21, 1902.

Agwar, Washington:

Investigation death priest Pena included all witnesses named letter Jagwar. Only Contract Surgeon Woods had knowledge. He examined priest before water cure by order of Captain Brownell, Twenty-sixth Volunteers. Found rapid weak pulse, corpulent body. By order Brownell soldiers administered water 10 a. m. Unable remember names persons present. No appearance injury nor several hours later, but 8 p. m. Woods found priest dead and reported case fatty heart. Now thinks confinement anxiety hastened death. Buried night. Grave unknown. Asserts he only obeyed orders. I do not believe court would convict Woods. No others present division have knowledge. Edmund L. Butts then stationed Banate. Papers have been sent by mail.
