Martin Danielson Writes of a
Philippine Scrap in Which
He Takes Part.
Americans Run Out of Ammunition and
Are Obliged to Retreat to Their Trenches
-- Private Beahl Shot Through Heart --
One Wounded Man Saves as a Relic a Bullet
That Passes Through Head and Mouth.
Jaro. Philippine Islands, March 20.
—Here is a correct account of the battle
of Jaro river, the 16th of March, fought
between the 18th U. S. infantry, 6th
U. S. artillery and the 1st Tennessee
volunteers against 30,000 insurgents.
The natives had been sending bullets
into our lines for several days previous.
When we had enough to put
our blood a boiling, we went after
them the 16th of March. After driving
them back for seven miles it became
dark. We retreated with not a
man having more than his magazine
full of bullets. The Tennessees' loss
was only one man slightly wounded,
who had got on the firing line with
the 18th U. S. infantry. The 18th's loss
was one killed and 22 wounded. Five
of these belonged to my company. Private
Beahl (killed) was of Company B.
It is now 2 p. m., March 17, and
our scrap yesterday is pretty well remembered.
The 1st and 2d battalions
of the 18th were in it from start
to the finish. At 1 p. m. our boys
were out in the woods and underbrush
looking for the insurgents.
Company B was at the left of the Jaro
river. Not seeing an enemy but hearing
the firing, at 3:30 they crossed to
the right of the river. They no more
than got foot on the bank after wading
the river, and long march, when volley
after volley was sent into our lines.
Capt. T. W. Griffith gave the command
to fire. After six volleys, he advanced
his command 100 yards and
fired some more volleys into the natives.
They were now 250 yards in
front of the native trenches, but those
people haven't sand enough to stick
very long. Company B drove them
out and captured a block house full of
ammunition, which they soon set on
fire. A few minutes later the eight
companies were in one long line.
Volleys and Yells.
The line advanced with volleys and
yells on the retreating enemy. By 7
o'clock we had driven them out some
six or eight miles from their trenches.
At this place our boys ran out of ammunition
and could not take Santa Barbara,
and we retreated to our advanced
lines and held them, and have not
forced the fight since then. The 18th
infantry's loss in this battle is as follows -
22 wounded and one killed.
Company B suffered the most and Private
Beahl was killed, shot through the
heart, and five men wounded. One
Tennessee man was wounded by a
stray bullet. One of the wounded
was shot through the back of his right
hand, the ball passing through his arm
and neck and coming out of his mouth.
He holds the bullet as a relic. The
enemy's loss I have been unable to
learn, but it must be great. Their
trenches in one place, for half a mile,
was a pool of blood and niggers piled
up six and seven high—another one of
their sly tricks. They had a lot of decoys
made of wood to represent soldiers.
The 6th artillery put a sweet
and good end to them all, and a few
live ones among them. This makes
the loss of the 18th four killed and 26
wounded, including one officer.
Several of the late wounded may die.
We captured several cannon of
smooth bore. The natives take scrap
iron, put it in a can, ram it in the
cannon with a lot of powder and touch
her off. But they do not come far
enough to harm us. I was talking to
a wounded native that was brought
in. He had a gun, ammunition and a
knife a foot long, and, the best of all,
nine bullet wounds in his legs, hips
and shoulders, and he said: "I fought
for my country and now I am willing
to die." He is still smoking cigars
and chewing his native tobacco.
A priest came into our lines yesterday
and told us that the insurgents
lost 205 killed. Reinforcements are
on their way to help us. Our boys
killed a few sharpsooters last night.
It's an every day occurrence here now.
It is reported that the natives have
rebelled at Negros.
Cigars are one cent each, eggs four
for one cent. No liquor is allowed to
be sold in or around Gen. Miller's
Company B, 18th U. S. infantry.
THE ARGUS has another letter from
Mr. Danielson of an earlier date than
the foregoing, which is of a similar
interesting nature. Chris Danielson,
1518 Thirty-second street, father of
the Philippine soldier, has a letter
from his son dated March 28. Martin
states that he is just about to receive
his discharge, and as soon as he
does, he will make for home, sweet
home. He says that he has been offered
several lucrative positions, including
one in the Spanish bank at
Manila and in the post office at Iloilo,
but he declined them all, as be is
disgusted with the people and the
treatment he has received in that country.
Rock Island Argus, May 6, 1899, Page 7