Benate, Panay, P. I., December 12, 1900.
Assistant Adjutant-General Department of the Visayas,
Iloilo, Panay.
Sir: I have the honor to report the following death among the native prisoners confined at this post:
Augustine de la Pena.
Diagnosis of the post surgeon: "Fatty degeneration of the heart."
Very respectfully,
C. M. Brownell,
Captain, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding.
[First indorsement.]
Headquarters Department of the Visayas,
Adjutant-General's Office,
Iloilo, P. I, December 21, 1900.
Respectfully returned to Capt. C. M. Brownell, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, Banate, Panay, P. I.
The date of this death should be stated, and the report of the official examination by the surgeon, duly signed, inclosed.
By command of Brigadier-General Hughes:
Robert H. Noble,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Second indorsement.]
Banate, Panay, P. I., December 28, 1900.
Respectfully returned to the assistant adjutant-general, Department of the Visayas. The date of this death was December 8, 1900. Surgeon's certificate of official examination inclosed herewith.
C. M. Brownell,
Captain, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding.
Banate, Panay, December 8, 1900.
The Adjutant, Banate, Panay, P. I.
Sir: I have the honor to report that Augustine de la Pena, a prisoner at this post, died December 8, 1900.
Having examined the aforesaid prisoner, before and after death, I believe the cause of his death to be fatty heart—cor adiposum.
Very respectfully,
O. W. Woods,
Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army,
Assistant Surgeon, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U. S. Volunteers.
A true copy:
Geo. H. Shelton,
Captain, Eleventh Infantry, Assistant Adjutant-General.
(Here follows the certificate of Contract Surg. O. W. Woods, U. S. Army, which is copied into this report above.)