Manila, P.I., January 4, 1899
To the People of the Philippine Islands
Instructions of His Excellency, the President of the United States, relative
to the administration of affairs in the Philippine Islands have been transmitted
to me by direction of the Honorable, the Secretary of War, under date of
December 28, 1898. They direct me to publish and proclaim in the most
public manner to the inhabitants of these islands that in the war against Spain
the United States forces came here to destroy the power of that Nation and
to give the blessings of peace and individual freedom to the Philippine
people; that we are here as friends of the Philippinos to protect them in their
homes, their employments, their individual and religious liberty; that all persons
who, either by active aid or honest endeavor co-operate with the Government
of the United States to give effect to these beneficient purposes, will receive
the reward of its support and protection.
The President of the United States has assumed that the municipal laws
of the country in respect to private rights and property and the repression of
crime are to be considered as continuing in force, in so far as they may be
applicable to a free people, and should be administered by the ordinary tribunals
of justice, presided over by representatives of the people and those in
thorough sympathy with them in their desires for good government; that the
functions and duties connected with civil and municipal administration are to be
performed by such officers as wish to accept the assistance of the United States,
chosen in so far as it may be practicable from the inhabitants of the islands;
that while the management of public property and revenues and the use of
all public means of transportation are to be conducted under the military
authorities until such authorities can be replaced by civil administration, all private
property, whether of individuals or corporations, must be respected and
protected. If private property be taken for Military uses it shall be paid for at
a fair valuation in cash if possible, and when payment in cash is not
at the time, receipts therefore will be given to be taken up and liquidated
as soon as cash becomes available. The Ports of the Philippine Islands shall
be open to the commerce of all foreign nations, and goods and merchandise
not prohibited for military reasons by the Military Authorities shall be
admitted upon payment of such duties and charges shall be in force at the time
of importation.
The President concludes his instructions in the following language:
Finally, it should be the earnest and paramount aim of the Administration
to win the confidence, respect and affection of the inhabitants of the
Philippines by insuring to them in every possible way the full measure of
individual rights, and liberty which is the heritage of a free people, and by
providing to them that the mission of the United States is one of the beneficent
assimilation, which will substitute the mild sway of justice and right for arbitrary
rule. In the fulfillment of this high mission, while upholding the temporary
administration of affairs for the greatest good of the governed, there will be
sedulously maintained the strong arm of authority to repress disturbance, and to
overcome all obstacles to the bestowal of the blessings of good and stable
government upon the people of the Philippine Islands.
From the tenor and substance of the above instructions of the President,
I am fully of the opinion that it is the intention of the United States
Government, while directing affairs generally, to appoint the representative men now forming the controlling element of the Philippinos to civil positions of trust and
responsiblity, and it will be my aim to appoint thereto such Philippinos as may
be acceptable to the supreme authorities in Washington.
It is also my belief that it is the intention of the United States Government
to draw from the Philippino people so much of the military force of the
islands as possible and consistent with a free and well constituted government of
the country, and it is my desire to inaugurate a policy of that character. I am
also convinced that it is the intention of the United States Government to seek
the establishment of a moot liberal government for the islands, in which the
poeple themselves shall have as full representation as the maintenance of order and
the maintenance of order and law will permit, and which shall be susceptible
of development on lines of increased representation and the bestowal of increased
powers into a government as free and independent as in enjoyed by the most
favored provinces of the world.
It will be my constant endeavor to co-operate with the Philippino people
seeking the good of the country, and I invite their full confidence and aid.
Major General, U.S.V.
Military Governor