MANILA. (Received January 17, 1901-9.15 a. m.)


Killed—December 15, Duero, Bohol, C, Forty-fourth Infantry, Jay R. Young, Troy P. Sliger, Corpl. William P. Ellett. Wounded (extent not reported)—Wayne Eskridge, David N. Stark, Solomon Dotterer; January 12, Gapan, Luzon, C, Twenty-second Infantry, Edward D. Mason, hand, side, slight; December 7, Donsol, Luzon, D, Forty-seventh Infantry, Philip A. Hollenbeck, thumb, severe.


MacArthur, Jan 17 1901, 0915am, Casualties

MANILA. (Received January 21, 1901-2.14 p. m.)


Following deaths have occurred since last report: Dysentery—January 2, I, Eighteenth Infantry, Corpl. Charles Toll; January 17, M, Thirtieth Infantry, Corpl. William C. Mueller; January 3, B, Thirty-first Infantry, Corpl. Frank A. McCowen; January 13, H, Thirty-fifth Infantry, Corpl. Herbert Hawes; I, Eighteenth Infantry, Gustav Ecklund. Psilosis—D, Thirty-ninth Infantry, Corpl. Charles B. Smith. Enteritis—G, Sixteenth Infantry, John Sheehy. Diarrhea—January 15, M, Forty-first Infantry, Allyn Dunlap. Meningitis—December 26, I, Forty-third Infantry, George E. Ricker. Died from wounds received in action— December 16, C, Forty-fourth Infantry, Solomon Dotterer. Killed by fall from window—January 18, O, Third Artillery, Ferdinand Fraenznick. Murdered by prisoner—December 25, D, Eleventh Cavalry, Columbus L. Black. Drowned—December 16, I, Fifteenth Infantry, Alexander E. Wirth. Pneumonia—December 9, G, Thirty-eighth Infantry, John T. Bell. Tuberculosis—January 19, A, Third Cavalry, Jesse Swanek.


MacArthur, Jan 21 1901, 0214pm, Casualties

MANILA. (Received December 22, 1900-10.56 a. m.)


Killed—November 24, Frorista, Luzon, M, Forty-seventh Infantry, Corpl. Arthur Burrows; November 25, D, Eleventh Cavalry, Sergt. Bernard Baker; between November 24 and December 7, Calbayon Matuguinao, Samar, H, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Welburn Watts. Wounded—M, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Hylas E. Smiley, severely; B, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Charles E. Mackey, moderately; December 15, Duero, Bohol, H, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, Corpl. Charles A. Wilson, mortally; December 8, Antique, Panay, G, Thirty-eighth Infantry, Martin L. Weatherman, neck, serious; December 18, San Ignacio, Luzon, G, Forty-ninth Infantry, Musician Hays Withers, leg above knee, moderate; October 30, Bugason, Panay, F, Forty-fourth Infantry, Lee Piatt, arm, slight; November 10, Subig, Luzon, L, Twenty-fifth Infantry, William Smith, shoulder, slight.


MacArthur, Dec 22 1900, 1056am, Casualties

MANILA. (Received December 26, 1900-6.25 a. m.)


Following deaths have occurred since last report: Dysentery—December 11, E, Thirty-eighth Infantry, Edward A. Henry; December 18, D, Fifteenth Infantry, Corpl. George B. Hozak; December 14, A, Thirteenth Infantry, John Pettry; December 13, G, Eleventh Cavalry, William L. Stone, jr.; December 16, B, Forty-first Infantry, Edward L. Van Buren; December 19, K, Third Infantry, David J. Parcell; December 20, A, Thirty-ninth Infantry, George J. Rehm; H, Forty-fifth Infantry, Stephen Z. Delk. Diarrhea—December 7, F, Forty-seventh Infantry, Edward Fletcher. Variola—December 14, E, Forty-eighth Infantry, Thomas Love; G, Forty-eighth Infantry, Edward Clark. Malarial fever—December 13, C, Thirty-sixth Infantry, Alfred H. Bolton; December 15, C, Thirty-third Infantry, William J. Wright. Drowned—December 18, A, Sixth Artillery, Frank Lowe; December 15, I, Fifteenth Infantry, Howard L. Garron; November 28, E, Fortieth Infantry, Stephen F. Holmes. Killed by accident, target practice—December 18, K, Third Infantry, John Begley. Surgical shock—August 26, F, Forty-third Infantry, William E. Dennis. Died from wounds received in action—December 10, G, Thirty-eighth Infantry, Martin L. Weatherman; December 17, H, Signal Corps, Corpl. Charles A. Wilson. Peritonitis—December 15, F, Twenty-fourth Infantry, Pomp Dunkerson. Abscess liver—December 12, H, Forty-fourth Infantry, William E. Bell. Pulmonary oedema—December 15, A, Eleventh Cavalry, Sergt. Charles C. Crane. Pleurisy—E, Forty-ninth Infantry, Isaiah Braxton. Hepatitis—December 20, B, Third Cavalry, Henry A. Hall. Apoplexy—December 19, Forty-eighth Infantry, Sergt. Maj. Wooten R. Abernathy. Cerebral anaemia—November 25, B, Twenty-first Infantry, Michael F. Duffy.


MacArthur, Dec 26 1900, 0625am, Casualties

MANILA. (Received December 30, 1900-9.12 a. m.)


Killed—November 28, Cabangan, Luzon, E, Sixteenth Infantry, Joseph Rockbud; December 14, Calinog, Panay, B, Thirty-eighth Infantry, William H. Mansker. Wounded: Passi, Panay, B, Twenty-sixth Infantry, Sergt. Roy Emigh, moderately; December 16, Duero, Bohol, Acting Asst. Surg. Edward Rockhill, slightly; December 19, Limbones Cove, Luzon, B, Fourth Cavalry, Andrew S. Steen, ear, slight; November 23, Palanan, Luzon, Ernest Hagedorn [second lieutenant, Sixteenth Infantry], leg above knee, slight; November 8, Angadanan, Luzon, L, Sixteenth Infantry, Edward L. Kershner, chest, serious; December 1, Jiminez, Mindanao, G, Fortieth Infantry, Sergt. Walter Huff, thigh, serious; November 5, Barugo, Leyte, I, Forty-third Infantry, Julius A. Percival, arm, moderate; H, Forty-third Infantry, Corpl. Robert C. Mason, thigh, serious; November 24, Cobo, Luzon, C, Forty-seventh Infantry, William F. Howard, arm, serious, John B. Goold, arm, serious; December 12, Teson, Panay, K, Eighteenth Infantry, Sergt. William J. Ayers, elbow, severe; November 22, Hilongos, Leyte, A, Forty-fourth Infantry, Evans F. Benner, thigh, serious, George B. Rezner, foot, moderate; November 24, Camilig, Luzon, E, Ninth Cavalry, Corpl. Martin Bacon, foot, slight, William R. Rushingbo, leg, above knee, serious.


MacArthur, Dec 30 1900, 0912am, Casualties

Solomon Dotterer is on the first column, tenth line
Photographed By William Fischer, Jr.,

Photographed By William Fischer, Jr.