BAKER, MAY 12, 1902

Statement of Ralph H. Baker.

My name is Ralph H. Baker; address, 105 Elmwood avenue, Burlington. I was a member of Company D, Twenty-sixth U. S. Volunteers. I was at Banate with my company. I saw the priest when he arrived at the guardhouse. He was dressed in an artillery uniform with chevrons.

The last night I ever saw him I was acting as orderly to the commanding officer of the post, Captain Brownell. They gave the priest the water cure in the afternoon. I was m the hallway and could see through the door. Captain Brownell sent me out on some business and I saw them bringing the priest out of a room and taking him back to his cell. The next I saw him was in the evening, when he was brought out of his cell with a white handkerchief tied over his eyes. I saw them take him down to a house formerly occupied by the presidente, where I was posted as guard. Sergeant Woodside was in command of the guard, and we had orders to let no one approach the house. I was relieved in about an hour and sent to quarters, and we were told to be as quiet as possible. Later that night Private Greenough told me that "it was all off with him."


MAY 12, 1902.

Personally appeared the above-named Ralph H. Baker and made oath that the above statement signed by him is true, before me.

JULIAN CODMAN, Justice of the Peace.